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capturing the connection between beings and Earth in beautiful nature worlds.

Mani sauc Hollija, jeb lapu

Profesionāls model, fotogrāfs, mākslinieks, video redaktors, dabas mīļotājs un baskāju dzīves entuziasts.

ES piedāvāju

Augstas kvalitātes mākslinieciski zemējuma fotoattēli, video, pielāgoti izstrādājumi, apģērbs, radošie pakalpojumi un daudz kas cits.

Although I may not be barefoot full time (somewhat of a beginner compared to full time barefooters), I still want to encourage others to try it out for themselves. Earthing (or Grounding) comes with a range of benefits from health to balance, and my themed packs and videos are designed to demonstrate, inspire, encourage, teach, sometimes humour and reflect my own Earthing experience (plus I love being creative!).


I specialise in Earthing photography - capturing the connection between beings and Earth in beautiful nature worlds. I'm known for my fantasy aesthetic style photos and calming ASMR nature sounding videos. This space is dedicated to being barefoot and all the things that come with it.

“Ļoti radošs un unikāls darbs”

-Tomass Ha*****

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